quarta-feira, outubro 26, 2005

Prague vol. 3

This is my biggest post so far. And the last one about Prague:

Trams are everywhere:

Marionette theatre:

I must confess: I don't have a clue about who's this statue representing. But it's odd - it's located three floors above ground...

Yet another beautiful view of the bridges:

More marionettes: lots of witches and... Harry?

Falling in love...

Interesting video store. Very discrete.

Horse wagon tours. Notice the "I can ride this with my lges crossed" posture:

The biggest Jewish Synagogue in Prague... and the one that's closed for visits. Let me give a short advice, by the way:
DON'T spend your money in the jewish quarter! You'll be robbed! The only open synagogue is very expensive (in comparison with all other monuments) and it's just... an old room with old walls and old chairs. Nothing else! And you can't take pictures (of what?!)...

This is one that you're "allowed" to visit:

The Old Town Square (Staromestske Namesti):

The famous Astronomical Clock:

A closer look...

Comic publicity...

The exuberant Municipal House:

The Opera:

This is Petrin Tower, an imitation of the Eiffel tower:

Look at the kids' faces: they are delighted!

Be aware of the iron nude army!

This is Accenture's office!

And last but not least, check this beer's alcohol level:

quarta-feira, outubro 19, 2005

domingo, outubro 09, 2005

Viena 2 / Vienna 2

Mais umas fotos desta grande cidade do Leste. Some more photos from this great Eastern city. Vejam o sinal: humilhante, sobretudo para um tuga! :) Look for the sign: humiliating, specially for a "tuga"! :)

Igreja de S. Carlos (Karslkirche) Saint Charles Church (Karslkirche)

Há estátuas espectaculares por toda a cidade!... There area awesome statues all over the city!...

... Eis outra. ... Here's another one.

... E outra ainda! ... And yet another.

segunda-feira, outubro 03, 2005

Hybrid Nation? Nope. - Newsweek Business - MSNBC.com

Têm que ler isto!
Fala sobre a viabilidade dos SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles) no mercado americano, considerando o aumento do preço dos combustíveis.
Segundo a consultora AutoPacific "56 percent of Americans refuse to downsize and will stick with the wheels they've got", ou seja, os americanos estão-se nas tintas para o gasto excessivo de combustível, pois não consideram sequer a hipótese de mudar para veículos menos gulosos.
O consumo médio de um Hummer H3 actual é de cerca de 12mpg (miles per galon) o que equivale a cerca de 23l/100Km.
O próximo "número mágico" para a GM e para o próximo ano é 20mpg - 14 l/100Km. A pérola do artigo é a seguinte declaração de um consultor: "We haven't turned into wimps overnight", o que traduzido à letra significa "Não viramos fracos do dia para a noite!". Como que a dizer "mudar para uma carro que gaste menos de 20l/100 é para fracos!".

E nós, por cá, oferecemos combustível aos EUA...


You got to read this!
It's about SUV's viability in US market, considering the fuel prices' raise.
AutoPacific consultant says taht "56 percent of Americans refuse to downsize and will stick with the wheels they've got", wich means that americans just don't seem to care about high fuel consumption 'cause they don't consider the option of changing to less greedy cars.
The current average fuel consumption of a Hummer H3 is about 12mpg (miles per galon), which is about 23l/100Km.
The next GM's "magic number" for the upcoming year is 20mpg - 14 l/100Km. The biggest "pearl" in this report is this statement from a consultant: "We haven't turned into wimps overnight". It sounds like that changing to a a car that expends less fuel is a sign of weakness!

Meanwhile, we offer fuel to US...


sábado, outubro 01, 2005

Praga 2 - Prague 2

Depois de uma grande interregno, eis mais algumas fotos da cidade de Praga, uma das mais bonitas que já alguma vez vi:
After a "big" while, here are a few more photos of the Prague city, one ofe the most beautiful cities I've ever seen:

Uma perspectiva do rio Vltava:
A nice view of the Vltava river:

Comida típica de Praga (penso eu):
Typical Prague food (I guess):

Eis um verdadeiro "fazedor de música" checo:
Here's a truly czech "music maker":