Advanced Microsoft Project Filters « Office Tech Support – Project, Access, Excel
The help manual for MS Project is less then useful for deciphering how to do complex filters. It would be nice if they just addressed it like any other language syntax. Wildcards? Reserved words? Special Functions? Anyhow, below is a list fo some standard filters you may want to use in Project. If you look closely you’ll notice a few tricks to get around the inflexible nature of Project’s filter syntax. One trick is to use the IIF operator to evaluate a statement within a custom field formula. The formula sets the field’s value then the filter evaluates that value. Another trick is used for getting around Project’s oddball treatment of “Null” or “N/A” dates. To check for these dayes you use a built-in project function e.g. Projdatevalue(“NA”).
Trevor Lowing
Office Tech Support
Filter Name Description Flag Field Flag Field Formula Filter Text Next Two Weeks All work scheduled during the next
two weeks.Flag5 IIf(([Start]<([Status Date]+14)
And ([% Complete]<100)) And ([Finish]>[Status
Date]),”Yes”,”No”)Flag5 equals Yes Late Start Activities that should have started
but have not or have started but have not completed.Flag6 IIf(([Start]<([Status Date]) And
([% Complete]=0)),”Yes”,”No”)Flag6 equals Yes Late Finish Activities that should have finished
but have not.Flag7 IIf(([Finish]<([Status Date]) And
([% Complete]<100)),”Yes”,”No”)Flag7 equals Yes Future Actual Or Deadline Activities where the actual complete
date is in the future or a Deadline has been set.Flag8 IIf((([Actual Start]>[Status Date]) And ([Actual
Start]<>projdatevalue(“NA”)))Or(([Actual Finish]>[Status Date]) And ([Actual
Start]<>projdatevalue(“NA”)))Or ([Deadline]<>projdatevalue(“NA”))
Flag8 equals Yes Logical Finish Activities with no
successors.Summary equals No And Successors
equalsLogical Start Activities with no
predecessors.Summary equals No And Predecessors
equalsLong-Duration Activities with a duration greater
than 40 days.Summary equals No And Duration is
greater than 40dNegative Float Activities with Total Slack less than
zero.Summary equals No And Total Slack is
less than 0dSummary-with-Pred-Links Activities with predecessor
links.Summary equals Yes And Predecessors
does not equalSummary-with-Succ-Links Activities with successor
links.Summary equals Yes And Sucessors does
not equalConstraint Not ASAP Activities not constrained “as
soon as possible”Constraint Type does not equal As
soon As Possible
Very useful...