Almost 3 years...
It's been a while since my last post.... almost 3 years.
I believe Facebook has become a substitute for my older blog. However,
sometimes, I miss the priv...
Há 7 anos
This blog is just a notebook for some mambo-jambo stuff that comes to my mind from time to time...
InfoQ: Microsoft has Abandoned Silverlight and All Other Plugins in Metro IE This is an extremely important new, since it means that all IT dudes need to focus on HTML5... including me
Nem tudo são más notícias :) Se percebi bem as contas, isto significa uma redução significativa do que teremos que pagar, ou seja... potencialmente menos impostos a médio/longo prazo Redução das taxas de juro dos empréstimos da UE a Portugal será retroactiva - Economia - PUBLICO.PT
Hoje em dia até nos pagam para não sermos responsáveis por nós próprios. Eu teria vergonha... Casino condenado a pagar indemnização de 82 mil euros a viciado no jogo | Jornal Digital: - Sent using Google Toolbar
The help manual for MS Project is less then useful for deciphering how to do complex filters. It would be nice if they just addressed it like any other language syntax. Wildcards? Reserved words? Special Functions? Anyhow, below is a list fo some standard filters you may want to use in Project. If you look closely you’ll notice a few tricks to get around the inflexible nature of Project’s filter syntax. One trick is to use the IIF operator to evaluate a statement within a custom field formula. The formula sets the field’s value then the filter evaluates that value. Another trick is used for getting around Project’s oddball treatment of “Null” or “N/A” dates. To check for these dayes you use a built-in project function e.g. Projdatevalue(“NA”).
Trevor Lowing
Office Tech Support
Filter Name Description Flag Field Flag Field Formula Filter Text Next Two Weeks All work scheduled during the next
two weeks.Flag5 IIf(([Start]<([Status Date]+14)
And ([% Complete]<100)) And ([Finish]>[Status
Date]),”Yes”,”No”)Flag5 equals Yes Late Start Activities that should have started
but have not or have started but have not completed.Flag6 IIf(([Start]<([Status Date]) And
([% Complete]=0)),”Yes”,”No”)Flag6 equals Yes Late Finish Activities that should have finished
but have not.Flag7 IIf(([Finish]<([Status Date]) And
([% Complete]<100)),”Yes”,”No”)Flag7 equals Yes Future Actual Or Deadline Activities where the actual complete
date is in the future or a Deadline has been set.Flag8 IIf((([Actual Start]>[Status Date]) And ([Actual
Start]<>projdatevalue(“NA”)))Or(([Actual Finish]>[Status Date]) And ([Actual
Start]<>projdatevalue(“NA”)))Or ([Deadline]<>projdatevalue(“NA”))
Flag8 equals Yes Logical Finish Activities with no
successors.Summary equals No And Successors
equalsLogical Start Activities with no
predecessors.Summary equals No And Predecessors
equalsLong-Duration Activities with a duration greater
than 40 days.Summary equals No And Duration is
greater than 40dNegative Float Activities with Total Slack less than
zero.Summary equals No And Total Slack is
less than 0dSummary-with-Pred-Links Activities with predecessor
links.Summary equals Yes And Predecessors
does not equalSummary-with-Succ-Links Activities with successor
links.Summary equals Yes And Sucessors does
not equalConstraint Not ASAP Activities not constrained “as
soon as possible”Constraint Type does not equal As
soon As Possible
Very useful...
"I will create a GUI interface with Visual Basic so I can track that IP address!"
Do they even care that even a computer rookie can see that this phrase is a complete nonsense!?!?!
Assertively frontal! :)
12 Behavior Anti Patterns You Will Face As a Software Team Leader: "
Most of these, we covered today on the 1st day of my Lead Better course that is taking place in Oslo, with live simulations. The purpose was to see how a team lead deals with these anti patterns when going through team chaos. How the team lead might act to these behaviors when the team is in learning mode, is very different than how I'd expect them to react when in chaos, as was simulated today.
Espero honestamente que esta postura se torne tão contagiosa como este vídeo!
This is a great demo of AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3 technologies combined together!
Watch my sample here ;)
Blogger Buzz: Fresh new perspectives for your blog: "Today we’re previewing five new dynamic templates in Blogger that you’ll soon be able to customize and use for your blog. These new views u..."
Não sei se isto é necessariamente positivo...
Portugal integra lista dos melhores destinos mundiais para Outsourcing: "
Era muito bom!...
Permanent Anti-Fog Coating Developed: "Claimed to be the world's first permanent anti-fog coating for eyeglasses, motorcycle helmet face shields and more."
Inovação e Inclusão: PlanIT Valley quer ser a montra do urbanismo suste...: "Numa área de 17 quilómetros quadrados no concelho de Paredes está a ser pensada a cidade do futuro, com respostas aos actuais desafios da ..."
Já era de esperar...
DEM e Via Verde – Novos sinais de trânsito alertam para nova forma caçar multas?: "
” (…) [aprovar] novos sinais destinados a avisar o utente de que este se encontra numa área de fiscalização automática de velocidade. A Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária, aprovada pela Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 54/2009, de 26 de Junho, prevê como objectivo o controlo automático da velocidade, através da implementação de um sistema nacional de fiscalização automática da velocidade, que tem como desiderato o cumprimento dos limites legais da velocidade e, consequentemente, a redução da sinistralidade rodoviária. O sistema de fiscalização automática da velocidade, a nível nacional, é inovador. Assim, importa prestar aos utentes das vias, onde os equipamentos para o efeito são instalados, informação relativa a esta realida (…)”
Acho que já visto algures... será que se chamava netbook?!...
Vem aí um Galaxy com teclado: "A Samsung vai lançar mais um smartphone Galaxy, que se assume como o primeiro equipamento da linha a contar com um teclado QWERTY - a 'piscar o olho', por exemplo, aos utilizadores empresariais que continuam a ...
in Tek"
Duvido muito que isto vá funcionar...
MCW11: reacções à parceria Microsoft – Nokia: "A queda de mais de 25% no valor das acções da Nokia como consequência do anúncio do abandono do Symbian e MeeGo em benefício do Windows Phone 7 já dava a entender que o mercado não reagiu positivamente a esta parceria.
As crítica, internas e externa, têm-se feito sentir e existe um mal estar que abrange todos os parceiros da Nokia, enquanto que a concorrência não se escusa em desvalorizar essa... (continua >)
Google Picasa improvement!
More storage, more photos, more fun:
"Posted by Matt Steiner, Engineering Lead-Photos Team
With Picasa Web Albums, you automatically get one gigabyte of free storage. As some of you may have noticed, we recently changed the way storage works so you can continue to share and store images even after you fill up that free gig.
In the past, each image and video you uploaded counted toward your free 1GB. Now, uploaded images that are 800 pixels or smaller and videos that are 15 minutes or less in length no longer count against your free storage limit. This means you can upload and store unlimited photos and videos at the above sizes -- for free!
800-pixels is a good size for sharing pictures on the web, but if you prefer uploading your images at a larger size for better quality (archival or print), and you are nearing the 1GB limit, you can always purchase additional storage for as little as $5/year. To check your available storage amount scroll to the bottom of your home page or view your settings.
For those of you who’ve already purchased additional storage, any existing 800-pixel images or videos shorter than 15 minutes will no longer count toward your storage limit, so enjoy the extra space and post away!
We hope you enjoy the change, and we’d love to hear what you think.
This is a surprise!!...
Nokia estabelece parceria com a Microsoft e adopta plataforma Windows Phone 7: "Várias vezes se falou numa possível ligação da Nokia à Google ou à Microsoft da qual viria a resultar a adopção do Android ou do Windows Phone 7 como alternativa à gama de soluções para <i>smartphones</i> e <i>tablets</i> da empresa.
A diminuição da competitividade do Symbian e os vários atrasos registados no desenvolvimento do MeeGo, com demasiada ingerência por parte da Intel pelo caminho,... (continua >)
SpaceSniffer – O seu disco a olho nu!: "Antes de qualquer outra ideia que vos deixe, quero classificar este programa como… fantástico. Aliás, foi o que transpareceu na primeira apresentação que vos fiz. Volto a explicar-vos que o SpaceSniffer é uma aplicação que varre o disco de ponta a ponta identificando graficamente espaços ocupados pelos diversos programas, drivers e funções normais, existentes em [...] "
These LinkedIn guys are indeed imaginative and practical - just the combination I like:
Resumes and Hackdays: "
Stop for a second and consider this question: where is your resume?
If you’re like most people, it’s probably scattered across a half dozen Word documents somewhere on your computer; or maybe your old laptop; actually, you may even have to search the sent mail folder of your email to find it. It’s probably out of date and the thought of updating it and fighting with formatting issues makes you groan. And after all the effort you put into it, it still never looks quite right. It’s 2011: why don’t we have a better solution?
Challenge accepted.
I took on the resume problem as a “hackday” project. LinkedIn holds hackday competitions once per month to encourage employees to work on – well, just about anything. Got a great idea for a new product? Build it. Think some new technology is better than what we currently have? Try it out. Spend a lot of time complaining about some issue? Put your money where your mouth (or keyboard) is and fix it. The format is simple and informal: form teams, code up a storm, and then show off the results to the rest of the company. The best hacks – as determined by a panel of judges (such as the CEO, VP of engineering, and various directors) as well as by popular vote – win prizes and become real products.
The idea for my hackday project was simple: create a tool that will take the contents of you LinkedIn profile and automatically convert them into a resume. The key features:
O título devia ser: "Ginásios voltam às receitas que tinham antes de ficarem com as reduções anteriores de IVA no bolso..."
Ginásios com quebras de 15% a 30% nas receitas: "Dificuldades financeiras dos portugueses, a redução salarial e aumento do IVA justificam maus resultados"
Pesquisa de medicamentos online – OFICIAL (Infarmed): "
Há que dar o exemplo...
Banco de Portugal opta por cortar salários mesmo não sendo obrigado:
"Membros do Conselho de Administração perdem 10% dos salários, massa salarial sofre corte de 7%"
iPhone parte-se com o frio!: "As histórias de telefones que explodem ou que se estragam sem razão aparente começam a ser muitas. A maioria dessas histórias acaba com os seus utilizadores com algumas mazelas, com o orgulho ferido e com um novo equipamento. Os problemas que normalmente estão associados a estes acontecimentos são apenas e só resultado de aquecimento anormal [...]
Será verdade?!...
Venezuela tem reservas de petróleo para mais de 200 anos:
"Hugo Chávez assegura que reservas de crude do seu país superam as da Arábia Saudita"
Mind Melting Photo Manipulations: "