Reminder to Self: Slow Down on the Caffeine
This is a unique Philippine mammal that fits inside your palm.
Just found it funny...
Reminder to Self: Slow Down on the Caffeine, originally uploaded by Flipped Out.
This blog is just a notebook for some mambo-jambo stuff that comes to my mind from time to time...
This is a unique Philippine mammal that fits inside your palm.
Just found it funny...
If you use Google Toolbar and you're portuguese, maybe this will interest you:
Páginas Amarelas
Click the link above and a new button will be added to your toolbar. This button allows you to query the Portuguese Yellow Pages from the toolbar.
Se usas a Google Toolbar e és português, talvez isto te interesse:
Páginas Amarelas
O link acima adiciona um novo botão à tua toolbar. Este botão permite pesquisar nas Páginas Amarelas Portuguesas a partir da toolbar.
Ruas do Porto / Streets of Porto Photo Gallery by Jose Paulo Andrade at
Colecção de fotos de ruas históricas do Porto. Muito bom, vale uma espreitadela...
This is a collection of photos of historical streets of Oporto city (Portugal). Worth a look...